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Zur Vorbereitung des Weltsozialforums in Dakar im Februar 2011

Siehe und den Brief von 75 TeilnehmerInnen eines Vorbereitungsseminars:

Dear friends,

We were 75 participants at the Preparatory Seminar for the next World Social
Forum edition, to be held in Dakar, Senegal, coming from 19 African
countries and 7 countries in other continents, including 13 members of the
International Council.

The Seminar, which took place on June 27-29 2010 was just finished.

We worked intensely on the political architecture of this Forum, its
methodology, mobilization, communication and necessary resources for its

We came back with the feeling of being involved in a strong dynamics, one
that leads us to a World Social Forum that will mark the history of the
process of building another World.

Soon, you will receive the report of this Seminar, with a detailed
presentation of our discussions and decisions taken, including how the
program of the Forum will be made and the procedures for proposing
self-organized activities.

This collective letter we send you has a precise goal: to invite you to take
part, since now, in the necessary effort along the next six months so this
WSF can be a success.

This way we invite you to:

- get involved in the mobilization effort so as many organizations as
possible attend the WSF, sending delegates to Dakar, guaranteeing this way
the widest possible representation to struggles, social categories and
regions of the world.

- get involved in the task that is going to be one of the novelties of this
WSF edition: stimulate the creation of groups – in as many countries as
possible, and that represents as many social categories and struggles –
willing to take part remotely in the WSF, virtually, via radio broadcasting
or by any remote means of communication, with the WSF’s participants in
Dakar. Effectively, what we call “Dakar expanded”, will have a prominent
position, notably due to the importance of the African Diasporas across the

- commit with the current efforts towards raising the necessary funds for
the forum’s organization, especially:

* contacting partners of the WSF process that will be contacted by the
Resources Commission of the Organizing Committee and the IC, in order to
show them the importance of their support.

* fund raising directly with other organizations.

* asking organizations that will attend Dakar, as well as the “Dakar
expanded” participants to contribute in all possible ways and even
symbolically to help covering the Forum’s costs, as a token of our

* checking the possibility of sending a member of your organization (or a
volunteer selected by you) to be sent to Dakar to work with the organizers
from January on (or even before) to help organizing and preparing the Forum.

- Taking into consideration the commitment made by many of us to
support and participate in the World Education Forum in Palestine – to be
held on October 28-31 2010 -, also come to Dakar on November 08-10 for the
International Council Meeting, which will give a final boost to this effort
following these specific objectives:

* to evaluate the mobilization we will already have reached and what will
yet to be done.

* to evaluate the communication effort we will have established with all
those involved, across the globe, with the struggle for another world; with
all those who hope a beacon for hope will be lit again, with all those who
know that another world isn’t only possible, but extremely necessary and

We kindly ask you to answer this letter, after having discussed it with your
organizations, and tell us:

- if you will be able to attend the IC meeting in November (8-10)

- what specific contribution could you provide regarding the mobilization
effort so we can have as many participants as possible in Dakar, or via
“Dakar expanded”.

- what contributions could you provide regarding the effort of fund raising
(giving us, if possible, some figures).

- whether it will be possible to send a member of your organization to help
the organizers of the Forum in Dakar.

We sign this letter with great enthusiasm, confident in the success of the
next World Social Forum in Dakar in February 2011.


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